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Sweet Dog




Missed appointments:  Missed appointments are costly to our business and cause inconvenience to other customers who have to wait longer to have their pet groomed.  If you miss your appointment without informing a member of staff you will be charged 100% of the groom price.  

Cancellations: There is no charge for cancellations if they are made more than 24 hours prior to the appointment.  Where there is less than 24 hours’ notice, 50% of the groom price will be charged.




Clients arriving more than 20 minutes late for their appointment will be considered a ‘missed appointment’ and will have to re-book, this will incur a charge of 100% of the cost of the groom.  If you need an earlier drop off / later collection time due to other commitments, please discuss this with staff when booking.  If your pet is collected 30 minutes after their collection time a late pick up and/or sitting fee of £5 per extra hour will be charged to you.  If you incur any of the above-mentioned fees, they are payable in full at the time you collect your pet.  The staff will give an estimated time for collection upon our arrival, they will then contact you with a confirmed collection time once the groom is underway or upon finishing.




Holmes & Hounds staff will endeavour to help your pet feel as relaxed as possible during their groom by providing the most humane methods of grooming, fully reinforced through positive interaction.  Holmes & Hounds staff will only attempt to de-matt your dog’s coat if we feel that the animal will not suffer any pain, distress or prolonged discomfort.  Bark Avenue Grooming have specialist equipment in their salon to de-mat a dog’s coat and this will be considered before shaving any matted areas on the dogs’ coat, however, Holmes & Hounds staff will always abide by the Animal Welfare Act and have your dog’s best interest in mind.  It is the owner’s duty of care towards their pet to maintain the coat between professional grooms.  If the owners fail to attend to their pet’s coat and matting becomes an issue, then in the best interests of the animal, Holmes & Hounds staff will endeavour to shave off any matted coat to prevent unnecessary suffering to that animal.  We will always advise the owner before this is done, either on arrival or over the phone once the dog has been assessed.


Holmes & Hounds staff will also advise the owner on how to look after their dog’s coat between professional grooms.  After effects of mat removal procedures can include itchiness, skin redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions and failure of the hair to re-grow.  Shaved pets are also prone to sunburn and should be kept out of the sun until the hair grows sufficiently to protect the skin.


When a dog is presented to Holmes & Hounds staff in a severely matted condition, it is our policy to shave the whole coat using electric clippers with a close blade.  To de-matt would cause the animal prolonged pain, distress and discomfort.  Many dogs can be left traumatised by unnecessary hours of de-matting, putting them off grooming for life.  Shaving the coat is the quickest and most humane method for the animal.  Holmes & Hounds staff will take every care when removing a matted coat, however clipping close to the dog’s skin can in some cases cause skin irritation, cuts or grazing.  Badly neglected coats can be especially prone to this.  You agree that Holmes & Hounds staff will not be held liable for any affect that this has during or after the grooming session is complete.


PLEASE NOTE:  Our normal grooming rates do NOT include de-matting, any de-matting will be charged for as an EXTRA.  Holmes & Hounds staff do not de-mat: infirm/elderly or aggressive dogs (it is advised these are de-matted under veterinary care).  The owner of the dog agrees to pay all costs for the grooming of the dog, including de-matting which is an extra cost, whether or not the groomer is able to complete the job.




Occasionally, grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one.  Please make sure you have made a member of Holmes & Hounds staff aware of any known medical issues before starting the service.  You understand that in the best interests of your pet, the groomer may request immediate veterinary treatments.  You are aware that this will be at your expense if emergency services are required.  You understand that senior pets have a greater chance of injury during grooming.  You agree that you will not hold Holmes & Hounds or any member of staff responsible for an accident or injury to your pet.




All outstanding balances for the services provided by Holmes & Hounds and any additional charges that may not have been quoted for prior to the groom must be paid for in full upon collection of your dog from Holmes & Hounds Grooming salon.  The owner agrees that service rates are subject to change at any time.  We currently accept cash or card payments.  We do not offer refunds.





All dogs entering Holmes & Hounds must be current and up to date with all required vaccinations.  Those entering the salon without vaccinations will be doing so at the risk of the owner and we will not be held liable for any resulting ill-health.  If any dog is presented at our salon showing signs of ill-health or symptoms of infectious disease, Holmes & Hounds reserves the right to refuse entry into the salon and the groom will be cancelled for that day.  We will not groom any dog that is pregnant or in season unless this has been previously discussed and agreed upon.




Extra care will be taken when performing any grooming procedures, however, owners must understand possible complaints can occur during and after the groom, including but not limited to: stress, skin irritations, abrasions, nicks, lacerations, ear infection, etc.  Grooming can also expose hidden medical problems or aggravate a current one.  The owner agrees not to hold Holmes & Hounds and its staff responsible for any injuries, ailments or conditions which could result from this grooming process.




If any dog is presented at our salon with a serious flea infestation, the groom will be cancelled for that day and rescheduled once treated.  If the dog has already been admitted to the salon and we discover that they have a significant flea infestation, the dog will be bathed in a natural flea repellent shampoo.  There will be an additional charge of £20 payable to cover time taken and products used.  This will cover additional bathing in insecticidal shampoo, together with fumigation of the salon.  Pets with a flea infestation carry a risk of anaemia, infections, tapeworms and other health problems.  We recommend the owner contacts their veterinarian for advice on the best treatment for the situation.  Should a tick be found on your dog during the grooming process, we will remove the tick for an additional charge of £5, however, this will be at the owners own risk and we recommend a thorough review by your veterinarian post groom.




Owners must inform Holmes & Hounds staff of any aggressive tendencies your dog may have or if he/she has previously bitten during the grooming process.  In the event that we encounter a dog with aggressive behaviour, we will endeavour to reassure your dog and overcome their anxiety, however in extreme situations, we reserve the right to muzzle your dog, with an appropriate muzzle for the size and breed.  We reserve the right to refuse/ terminate the grooming of aggressive dogs for the safety of our groomers and the dog.  If the groom is terminated, you will be charged in full for the price of the groom.  Your attention is drawn to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and/or the Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997, which holds owners liable for bites and injuries caused by their dogs.  We cannot groom any dogs that are registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and/or the Dangerous Dogs Act (Amendment) 1997, or any such Acts that may be amended from time to time.




Owners agree and understand that should their pet become ill or appear in need of medical attention, Holmes & Hounds and its staff shall have full discretion in administering necessary treatment and/or obtaining the necessary treatment, including but not limited to veterinarian visits, medications, examinations and surgery.  We agree to make reasonable efforts to contact the owner should aid be necessary, however, if we are unable to reach you or need to administer aid immediately, Holmes & Hounds and its staff may use their discretion and administer aid without contacting the owner first.  The owner is responsible for the full cost of treatment of any injuries or illness that their animal receives whilst under the care of Holmes & Hounds, together with any associated costs, e.g. veterinary charges.  Where possible, Holmes & Hounds will contact the owner’s preferred Veterinarian, but this cannot be guaranteed (e.g. in an emergency) and the owner accepts that the staff of Holmes & Hounds may at their discretion use any registered Vet.  The owner agrees to pay all such costs immediately upon collection of their animal.




A full bladder and bowel can be very uncomfortable for a dog whilst it is being groomed.  The owner agrees to ensure that their pet has been toileted before bringing him/her to the grooming salon.  It is unhygienic and unpleasant when dogs urinate or defecate on the premises.  Should the dog defecate or urinate during the groom and require an additional bath, the owner will be charged accordingly.




If you are not satisfied with your pet’s groom, Holmes & Hounds staff must be notified within 24 hours.  Holmes & Hounds staff will endeavour to rectify the problem such as; re-bathing, re-cutting, re-brushing or discount off your next grooming appointment at Holmes & Hounds.  Refunds will not be given.




The owner consents to pictures of their dog to be taken at the salon by Holmes & Hounds staff which may be used on their website, social media and any other promotional marketing material.  If you do not wish for your dog’s photo to be used for marketing purposes, we require verbal or written notification of this.




The owner agrees, understands and hereby releases ,Holmes & Hounds their owners, staff, partners and volunteers, financially or otherwise, for injury, illness, or death of their pet, themselves, or any of their property whilst receiving services provided by Holmes & Hounds.  Should your pet require veterinary care during or after the service, you hereby agree for the salon to seek veterinary services and to pay all fees if required.  In the grooming process, a pets tolerance level for stress, strangers or handling may increase and some pets can become anxious or reactive during the grooming process.  If we determine that continuing the grooming process would present a threat to your dog’s emotional or physical health, and/or the safety of the groomer completing the service, we will discontinue the service and contact you immediately.  In the event this happens, you understand that you will be responsible for any services rendered.  We will take every precaution necessary to complete the grooming service safely and humanely, using appropriate industry safety equipment including; grooming loops, muzzles and restraints.  You agree to grant Holmes & Hounds and its staff to utilise that correct restraints for the health and safety of your pet and the groomer. Holmes & Hounds will not be held responsible for any loss of personal items during a grooming appointment.



a) Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately.  If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

b) These Terms are governed by English and Welsh law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the services in the English or Welsh courts.  If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the services in either the Scottish, English or Welsh courts.  If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring proceedings in respect of the services in either the Northern Irish, English or Welsh courts.

c) Please note that we reserve the right to amend our standard terms and conditions at any time.


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